Women's Empowerment: Data for Gender Equality (WEDGE)
In collaboration with Feinian Chen and Amy McLaughlin I have received a three-year grant from the Hewlett Foundation to develop survey-based measurement of women’s economic empowerment. Enhancing women’s economic empowerment is a core goal of Sustainable Development Goals requiring development of appropriate measurement tools to track progress. This project will develop measures of women’s economic empowerment that can be easily incorporated in national surveys and test their reliability and validity. These modules will be placed in public domain for use by the scientific community. The project will: (1) Curate existing statistical data on women’s economic empowerment across different countries and its close correlates in the area of educational, social and political empowerment; (2) Develop and pretest scalable survey modules and place these modules in the public domain for possible adoption by statistical agencies and researchers; and, (3) Facilitate creation of a community of researchers, program implementers and data collectors working on women’s economic empowerment using web-based platforms around methodological issues involved in measuring empowerment.
MEASURING PAID WORK IN CHINA: LESSONS LEARNT FROM THE CHINA FAMILY PANEL STUDY (CFPS) | Yingchun Ji, Shanghai University and Xu Yan, University of Maryland
HOW TO MEASURE WOMEN’S WORK? NEW INSIGHTS FROM SRI LANKA | Isis Gaddis, Senior Economist in the Gender Group of the World Bank and Amparo Palacios-López, Senior Economist in the Data Production and Methods Unit of the Development Data Group of the World Bank
Graduate Researchers